‘Japanese Olympians likely to visit Bangladesh next year’
09 August 2021, 04:40 pm

The Tokyo Olympics finally ended successfully despite having many confusions due to the coronavirus pandemic. This is the best Olympics for Bangladesh in terms of timing and performance.
Before leaving for Tokyo, the Bangladesh Olympic team attended a courtesy call of the Japanese Ambassador to Bangladesh ITO Naoki. He also attended the official press conference of the Bangladesh Olympic Association.
Arafat Zubaear, Senior Sports Reporter of Dhaka Post, discussed with the Japanese Ambassador to Bangladesh ITO Naoki about various issues, including the Tokyo Olympics, Bangladesh’s performance and the Japan-Bangladesh relationship.
Dhaka Post: You are very busy with vaccine management. Bangladesh is grateful to Japan for providing vaccines during this difficult time. Anyway, how did you enjoy the Tokyo Olympics?
ITO Naoki: The Japan-Bangladesh friendship is very strong. Japan will be always there by the side of Bangladesh. I have watched the events of different disciplines of the Olympics. I have watched every event of Bangladesh alongside Japan. It feels very good for me when Bangladeshi athletes were carrying the flag at the opening ceremony as I am in Bangladesh now.
Dhaka Post: Japan finished the Olympics with the number three position. Are you satisfied with the performance?
ITO Naoki: The United States has overtaken China on the last day. We were consistently in third place most of the time. We are satisfied with our position. In 1964, Japan hosted the last Olympics and even then, Japan placed the third position. However, we won more gold this time.
Dhaka Post: This time there were more off-field challenges in Japan than on-field performances. Which guided the Japanese to complete the Olympics successfully in such a difficult and unfavorable situation?
ITO Naoki: Of course, it was quite a challenge and we managed it very well. Japan proved that games can be organized well even in the adverse situation amid the coronavirus pandemic. Not only Japan but also all the participating countries and media have contributed a lot.
Dhaka Post: You were present at the press meet of the Bangladesh contingent. How was the performance of Bangladeshi athletes in your point of view?
ITO Naoki: I was very hopeful that Bangladesh might get their first Olympic medal in Tokyo. Although they did not get a medal, the athletes of Bangladesh performed well. Four out of six have done their best.
Dhaka Post: Last few decades top two positions of the Olympics are conquered by the USA and China while it was between the USA and Russia in the ’90s. Few analysts have found political and economic stringent behind on it. As a diplomat what would you say?
ITO Naoki: Things have changed a lot. When any athlete from the United States or the Soviet Union won a medal during the Cold War, they thought it would help to boost his or her country’s strength in the war. But things are totally different here. The athletes who participated in the Olympics have now a full sports mentality. But it certainly requires financial capability and planning for the medal. The countries at the top of the list have much more financial capacity.
Dhaka Post: You have said that Japan embassy in Bangladesh will try to bring a few medalists of the Tokyo Olympics. Will you say when and how many medalists may come?
ITO Naoki: I will do my best to bring the medalists. But of course, the Japanese Olympians will come to Bangladesh. I will start working to bring them to Bangladesh soon. It can be said that Japanese Olympians will come to Bangladesh at a convenient time next year.
Next year will be the 50 years of diplomatic relations between Bangladesh and Japan. On this occasion, we are giving special importance to the sports sector.
Dhaka Post: Bangladesh and Japan have had a very good relationship for a long time. What do you think, this Olympics will give more light on sports relationships between those countries?
ITO Naoki: Japan has historically had a very friendly relationship with Bangladesh. The Olympics are the largest sporting event in the world. Bangladesh has participated in this Tokyo Olympics. The Japanese coach assisted the Bangladesh swimming team in Tokyo. And that is a great example of a good relationship between the two countries.
Dhaka Post: As a diplomat, do you think sports play a big role in diplomacy?
ITO Naoki: Of course. Sport is a great medium of diplomacy. Through this, diplomatic relations become stronger and more dynamic.
Dhaka Post: Japan is a sports-loving nation. You have been in Bangladesh for several years. How much you enjoyed Bangladeshi sports culture?
ITO Naoki: I am enjoying a great time in Bangladesh. Cricket is more popular in Bangladesh. I am also familiar with cricket culture as I served in India and England as a diplomat. The distance from the Lord’s Cricket Ground to my home was only five minutes there. I watched a lot of cricket matches while staying there. But I did not visit any cricket stadium in Bangladesh because of the coronavirus pandemic. I am hopeful to visit the stadium soon to watch the match of the Bangladesh national cricket team.
There are two Japanese captains in the Bangladesh Premier Football tournament. This is a matter of great pride for us as Bangladesh Premier League is a quite competitive tournament. I hope Bangladesh football will also reach a good stage within a very short time.
Dhaka Post: The Government of Japan has many scholarships for Bangladeshi students. Will you try any special education scholarship for the development of the sports field?
ITO Naoki: Yes, there are education scholarships for Bangladeshi students in Japan. But there were no specific scholarships for athletes. However, athletes can apply for higher education if they wish. In Japan, you will have the opportunity to get involved in higher education as well as sports. That experience can come in handy in Bangladesh.
Dhaka Post: Apart from sports, the Japanese who came to Bangladesh for other work adapted here very well within a very short time. As a diplomat, you have visited and worked in many countries. Did you find any other countries like Bangladesh where the Japanese feel the country is their own?
ITO Naoki: Bangladesh is at the forefront in this regard. Bangladesh cannot be compared with any other country.