8 doors of Jannah
28 April 2022, 10:50 am

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The goal of all Muslims in this world is to reach Jannah in the next life. Before doing anything, we consider the consequences and the potential for it to jeopardize our access to Jannah. We all want tickets to Jannah, but many of us don't know much about Jannah.
According to the hadith, Ubaadah (RA), the Holy Prophet said, “Without a partner or companion, there is no god but Allah, Muhammad is His slave and Messenger, and that Esa is the slave of Allah and His Messenger, and Allah is Maryam and the spirit. Whoever does? Created by him, the truth of paradise and the truth of hell is to paradise through each of the eight gates for his good deeds. Allah is given the right to enter.” Bukhari 3180
The details of the 8 gates are as follows:
Baab As-Salaat
This gate allows punctual and prayer-minded people to enter paradise. Allah promised great rewards to those who prayed with integrity and faith. This gate will fulfill that promise. Allah said in the Holy Quran, “Surely, those who believe in what is right, pray, and pay Zakah will reward the Lord. They will not be afraid or sad.”
Baab Al-Jihad
Muslims who have sacrificed their lives on the Islamic road through Jihad will enter heaven through this gate. It is said in the Holy Quran, “Fight them until Fitnah is gone and worship of Allah is recognized, but if they stop, there will be no attacks except against the oppressors.”
Baab As-Sadaqah
This gate only accepts believers who have done philanthropy and gave Sadaqah to the way of Allah.
Baab Ar-Rayyaan
People who enter heaven through this gate continue fasting in good faith and receive the blessing of Allah. Sahl (RA) says that the Holy Prophet said, “You will be asked, where are those who fasted? They get up and no one else enters. When they enter, it is locked and no one else enters.” Bukhari 1763
Baab Al-Hajj
Entry from this gate is reserved for those who observe the Hajj pilgrimage.
Baab Al-Kaazimeen Al-Ghaiz Wal Aafina Anin Naas
Those who were able to control and suppress their anger and forgive their brothers, fortunately, can enter paradise through this door.
Baab Al-Iman
Entrance through this door is for those who believed in Allah, trusted his decisions for them, and lived a life that was the fulfillment of his commands.
Baab Al-Dhikr
Always remembering Allah, the believers who made the Dhikr are allowed to enter heaven through the Baab Al-Dhikr. It is stated in the Holy Quran, “The garden of eternal residences; they will enter there with those who were justice among their father, their spouse, and their descendants. And the angels come to them through all the gates and say: And what’s great is the last house.”