How to melt belly fat with drinks
23 March 2022, 04:17 pm

Losing weight is not easy and many of us know how difficult it is to lose belly fat. Fat accumulates around the abdomen, under the abdominal muscles and around the vital organs. It is also known as visceral fat and is the hardest type of fat to lose.
It also has a number of health consequences, including heart diseases, diabetes, high cholesterol, some cancers and stroke. Not only does it make you feel out of shape, but it also poses significant health risks. Here are five drinks that will save your time and effort in the gym and help you lose belly weight.
Green Tea
It is one of the most recommended and consumed drinks for weight loss. It helps to significantly reduce belly fat and has many other health benefits including better brain function, better breathing, increased energy, a refreshed mental state and a reduced risk of cancer due to the presence of Antioxidants. Replacing evening tea with green tea is one of the healthiest lifestyle choices you can make to aid in weight loss.
Black Coffee
Caffeine helps provide instant energy to the body and also facilitates a better and more efficient metabolism. It is recommended to drink black coffee as a pre-workout drink as it will help burn calories faster and provide energy for a great workout. However, be sure not to add sugar to your coffee as this will increase calorie consumption.
Cumin Water
Cumin is another commonly found spice that helps control appetite and burn fat more effectively. Present in most curries and vegetable preparations, ‘jeera’ or cumin has digestive properties. Drinking cumin water after a morning workout has been recommended by some nutritionists for weight loss.
Fennel Seed Water
Soak a spoonful of fennel seeds in water overnight and drink the water after stress the next morning. This drink is very beneficial for people who are trying to lose weight as fennel seeds help to detoxify the body and also boost metabolism. In addition, fennel seeds are also very helpful in combating flatulence and indigestion.
Carom Seed Water
Soak two tablespoons of toasted carom seeds in water overnight. Strain it the next morning and drink. Carom seed is added to some vegetables to avoid any stomach complications. It helps to improve digestion, speed up metabolism and optimize the absorption of nutrients in the body.