How to stop the spread of COVID-19

Dhaka Post Desk

Dhaka Post Desk

12 February 2022, 11:59 am

How to stop the spread of COVID-19

People across the world have already become used to the coronavirus pandemic as it existed for so long. There are lots of information buzzing about the virus which makes people confused since the pandemic started in 2019.

However, there are a lot of easy methods to prevent and stop the spread of the virus, according to many authentic sources. Let’s have a look at some ways to keep your family and community safer and healthier during the pandemic:

Getting the COVID-19 Vaccine

Several vaccines across the world have been invented to fight the virus. Being vaccinated with any of the COVID-19 vaccines is the most effective way to be safe from the virus. While one can still get infected after being vaccinated, it will be less severe than before. The experts urged all aged above 12 to get vaccinated.

Practicing Healthy Habits

As there are not any constant solutions for getting rid of the virus, we all have to practice healthy habits to keep the virus away. Avoiding public gatherings is the most effective way to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Wearing face masks, maintaining social distancing, covering nose and mouth when you sneeze and washing hands frequently are the other precautionary measures to keep the virus away.

Taking Protection When You’re Sick

Amid the pandemic, all you need to take precautionary measures when you’re sick. Quarantine yourself for at least 14 days when you are sick. It will be a healthier move for both of you and your family members.

Avoiding Unhygienic Habits

Eyes, nose, and mouth are major ways by which one can get infected with COVID-19. As a result, it is mandatory to keep your hands away from your face. Besides, you need to start avoiding shaking hands or hugging anyone in greeting. It may seem unsocial, but it will keep you and your surroundings safe during the pandemic.


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