Facebook rejects Joe Biden’s Covid misinformation criticism
17 July 2021, 05:54 pm

Facebook on Friday rejected criticism by US President Joe Biden that social media misinformation is killing people, saying its efforts to get facts out are actually saving lives.
“We will not be distracted by accusations which aren’t supported by the facts,” Facebook said of Biden’s barb.
The White House has said that Facebook needs to clean up its act.
“They’re killing people. The only pandemic we have is among the unvaccinated. And they’re killing people,” Biden told reporters at the White House, as he left for a weekend at the presidential retreat in Camp David.
The White House is turning up the pressure on social media companies to weed out what officials say is widely spread misinformation on coronavirus vaccinations.
According to US health officials, a current spike in COVID-19 deaths and illnesses around the country is almost exclusively hitting people who remain unvaccinated.