Death toll climbs to 26 in Shitalakshya launch capsize
05 April 2021, 01:49 pm

The sunken launch has been salvaged by rescue ship ‘Prattay’
A total of 21 more bodies have been recovered after salvaging the launch which sunk in the Madanganj Ghat area of Shitalakshya River in Narayanganj on Sunday evening. With this, the death toll rose to 26.
Narayanganj Port Upazila Nirbahi Officer Shukla Sarkar confirmed the matter to Dhaka Post around 1:30 pm on Monday.
In addition, Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Authority (BIWTA) chairman also briefed the media in this regard.
Besides, the sunken launch named ML Sabit Al Hasan has been salvaged. The launch sank after colliding with the SK-3 cargo ship around 6:00 pm on Sunday.

After the accident, the rescue ship ‘Prattay’ reached the spot around 9:30 pm and started salvage work, and recovered the bodies of five women at night.
Meanwhile, two separate probe committees have been made to investigate the launch capsize.