Islam emphasizes the importance of purifying our bodies as it strengthens our souls, ultimately bringing us closer to the One who is the Creator of all.

All the followers of Islam perform ablution (Wudhu) before praying or reading the Holy Quran. This is a simple but mandatory practice for washing several parts of the body, including the hands, feet, arms, mouth, nostrils, ears, and face.

Not to mention that while the practice of ablution purifies our bodies, it also offers amazing health benefits that positively affect our mental and physical health. Here are some health benefits of ablution:

Ablution reduces depression

Our religion declares ablution to be a therapeutic experience, especially for people with depression. In fact, some yoga experts encourage these days to implement ablution before going to bed, claiming that our minds and bodies relax which ensures good sleep.

Keep our skin fresh and young

Performing ablution refreshes our skin by opening our pores from the skin, eliminating fatigue and cleaning all the accumulated dust while dispersing sweat and grease.

Plays an essential role in oral hygiene

Ablution includes purification of the mouth so that it removes any rest of the food in teeth, languages and gums, preventing oral health issues. This also strengthens our facial muscles and escapes the smell of the mouth.

Keeping germs from entering our bodies

Not to mention, washing the nostrils while performing ablution, no germs are stuck in our nasal cysts, this prevents germs from entering the system.

Prevents wax buildups

Rinsing the inside and outside of our ears during the burning process will remove excess earwax, prevent mastoiditis from occurring and end the accumulation of Earwax.

Strips our skin of hidden bacteria

Washing between our toes and fingers removes germs and bacteria that would otherwise remain hidden.

Improves blood circulation and mental health

Pressure on certain points on our arms is proven to improve our overall blood circulation and ticks all the boxes suitable in this respect. There are three main veins in our elbows that connect to the brain, heart, liver and putting pressure on them gives the body strength both physically and mentally.