Both men and women are very much concerned about maintaining hair in good shape. Problems like hair loss, hair fall and hair thinning make people worried.

Everyone becomes anxious when the crown on the head seems to recede, but it is important to know the reasons for thinning hair. Let's have a look at the major reasons that cause hair thinning:


When you are in an unstable condition, the entire digestive system of your body comes under strain. That sort of condition leads to imbalance inside and anything that we eat or do doesn’t give the required nourishment hence leading to hair loss and thinning.


A strict diet could be another reason that causes hair thinning. the lack of biotin, zinc and vitamin D leads to hair thinning. So, you have to make sure to have a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.


Excessive dandruff is very much harmful to hair. Dandruff causes scratch and itch, which makes the hair weak and thinning.

Weight loss

Significant weight loss can have an adverse effect on the whole body. We also lose some important nutrients in our body and that leads to loss of hair.